I have been back on the mainland for months so no posts. However, the tsunami that just hit is devastating. All of our friends are safe and accounted for, thank goodness. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those suffering from this awful experience.
Here's an account by my friends the Browns:
Photos from a friend on CNN:
Video footage of the water entering Pago Harbor and Interview with one of the local radio djs.
User video on The Weather Channel
MSNBC is constantly updating the story on their website:
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tofa Markus!

There are two ways to check in at Hawaiian on flight days. Well that is if you don't want to stand in line for three hours. There is "early"-come at 5ish and stand in line until the desk opens at 6, be done hopefully by 7. Go out to dinner with friends and come back at 10pm. There is "late" check in-come at 9 pm and really, really hope you can be through the line by the time the desk closes at 10pm. Late check in seems to be working well these days. However, since we had to drop Einstein off at the cargo at 9pm, we checked in "early."
Chase was in line too. Notice all the bags holding places. This is the line before the desk is even open! Markus is on the phone to the cargo guys who are supposed to be there meeting us with Einstein. We can see them going in and out of the cargo building, apparently ignoring the phone.
We had a bunch of "lasts"

Our last Mt.Alava walk (Markus did this every day with Einstein, sometimes even twice!)

Some lovely things our friends said about Markus for his departure:
Things we'll miss about Markus :
Someone to Pitch for us in Sloshball Games
Being the only person on the island qualified to fix our most complicated computer problems
A Dive Partner
Your steady, genial demeanor
We'll miss you big guy, and your little dog too!
Going all in on the first hand, and losing.
Emailing me seemingly every twenty minutes asking where his payment is and why ASG is so fucked up.
Being introduced to the always-humble Markus' alter ego on Ofu... Reno Markus. Thanks for the laughs during a great weekend!
Going all in on the first hand, and losing.
Emailing me seemingly every twenty minutes asking where his payment is and why ASG is so fucked up.
Being introduced to the always-humble Markus' alter ego on Ofu... Reno Markus. Thanks for the laughs during a great weekend!
Seeing him faithfully walking Einstein at Utulei Beach nearly every day
easy going, friendly personality His infinite patience with people who he is trying to help...
Dear Einstein,
I, and the Association as a whole, will miss you. Your sloshball abilities, relaxed attitude, and political insights will not be easy to replace. I hope you have safe travels back to Portland and don't get too cold on the flight. I only wish you could have spent more time with and helped Pu as he has some serious psychological issues to work through - like realizing that despite being fixed he's still male and shouldn't be so motherly to the cat or chirp like a startled 3rd grade girl.
Please keep in touch and despite the fact you lack opposable thumbs or fingers I hope you write often.
P.S. Give your owner Marcus my best as well. He will sorely be missed as he was one of the more upbeat and happy individuals on the island, probably because he gets to hang out with you. Happy travels to him as well. (No mention of wife here, hmmmm.....) Now me and jeremy will need to find someone else to weigh as much as.
We'll also miss your laid-back style, and your dog... what's that Snowy? yeah, I mentioned his dog. Tofa Markus!

Sliding Rock with the Girls

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Palagi Beach

Einstein sunbathing.

Get LOST Already Party

And, of course, Fish Biscuits from the Polar Bear cage episode. They tasted horrible, just like you would imagine the ones sitting in the cage all those years would have. I need to find a new gingerbread recipe.

I made a special Crash Landing Cake (that's supposed to be Tutuilla there).

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Getting LOST

But what are we looking for? Often what was going on back "home" wasn't so great that's why we are here in the first place. So what are we running back to? Grocery stores and shopping? We all know, living in a consumer culture, that there will never be "enough". As soon as you have what you've been waiting to consume for two long years then you'll be looking for something better or different. Newer. Better. Bigger.

We don't make much compared to salaries back home, but you won't spend even a fraction of what you do in the states. You aren't bombarded with crap that you think you need. Your clothes are secondary, your car acceptable if you gets you from point A to point B, your house fantastic if it's not infested with termites or mold. We've learned to live within our means, unlike many unfortunate souls back home. And hey! We have a job.

The schools are awful I must admit. If I had kids this would be one of the greatest challenges. When teachers drop curriculum because the "students won't read the book" (speaking of High School kids) instead of, oh, I don't know....flunking them, then there is a real problem here.
Health care is an issue, esp if you want any specialty services. However, there are more and more US trained physicians and health care providers. At $10 a visit, $10 a RX and many services offered free through Fed Grants, you can appreciate what we DO have. AND many, many, far too many, people in the states are without any type of health insurance. That $10 doctor's visit, is $150-200 out of pocket. That RX? Try $50-100+

Most people who leave Samoa, remember it longingly afterwards. Some say it was like a dream. They won't come back because we all leave for some very good reasons (because some people do stay for very long periods verging on "forever"-of course, we call these people "Tropo" ;), As the time nears to leave I think it's impossible to wonder if this is the right move and what are you gaining/loosing. I had very little hesitation on leaving and much more on returning.

Yet another farewell BBQ

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