Monday, April 14, 2008

Really? Seriously?


A 20-year old man from Faleula who was sentenced to eight weeks imprisonment for stealing a can of corned beef from Ming and Hannah's Store at Fugalei voluntarily admitted in court to other acts of theft.

No written records of previous convictions were found by the prosecution however, the accused himself admitted to previous convictions.

The accused confirmed for the court that he had also stolen corned beef from a shop at Vailele and shoes and a shirt from Frankie Molesi. Judge Vaepule Vaemoa Vaai accepted his confession as a mitigating factor.

Other mitigating factors included pleading guilty at the earliest opportunity and because the corned beef he stole was returned.

For telling the truth, three weeks were struck off from the eight-week sentence handed down to the thief.

He will now serve only five weeks imprisonment.

The accused reportedly walked into Ming and Hannah in early October 2007 and grabbed a 3 lb Oxford can of corned beef.

He hid it under his shirt and left the store.

On his way out, the accused was spotted by shop workers who chased him to the nearby Fugalei Market where he was caught.

The corned beef was recovered and safely returned to the super market shelf.

(Source: Samoalive/Newsline)

This guy was willing to go to jail for this:

Let me guess what they serve in jail?

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