Thursday, May 3, 2007

Kiki vs. Cockroach

When we moved here I was worried about the creepy crawlies and scurrying critters that the island is known for. You know, cockroaches, giant spiders (like these I discovered in my hotel room at Sadies-supposedly harmless-hmmm), and mice and rats.

Tales of giant radioactively mutated roaches, mice jumping out of pantries, aiming directly for one’s jugular (or pooping in sinks) had me a little nervous, making me wonder if I could handle the nasties that come with tropical living. Geckos do not make this category and would be actively encouraged to make themselves at home despite their gecko poo.

I decided that what I needed was a hunter, something that would keep the critters at a tolerable level. Probably of the feline persuasion. Those of you that knew me before American Samoa know that I have a cat, Jasper. Unfortunately, I felt that Jasper was too delicate for Island living and left him in the good hands of the DelCarlo/McNames Clan. This was a good match as apparently, he is the only living domesticated animal that James McNames isn’t horribly allergic to. Now, Pearl and Reed have a pet, the only pet they could ever have and Jasper continues to be the King of the Realm. I couldn’t have counted on his killer instinct anyway. Ok, maybe this photo isn't a fair depiction of Japser as I had drugged him to prevent him from driving me to Catacide with his Siamese meow on a 5 hour car trip from Ashland to Portland, but I think you can still tell he's a delicate kitty.

Of course there is Einstein, but I think Einstein’s sensibilities are above roach wrangling and rat patrol. Though, we have found he is very fond of Toad hunting in the grass out front. It's hilarious watching him spring backwards every time it jumps in the air.

When Markus got here he promised me that I could get a kitten, but that I would have to wait for his birthday. I thought this was an interesting concept. He still has not explained why this was the day he chose. Now those of you that know Einstein, know he has OCD when it comes to cats. He will stare at a cat non-stop for hours if allowed and if they run he’s literally on their tail. Markus made me no promises that Einstein wouldn’t eat the kitten (and in fact since we’ve had her has actively encouraged such behavior, though Einstein, ultimately being a good boy has declined).

So a couple of days after Markus’ birthday a kitten came to stay. She is very tiny and in fact fits in Markus’ shirt pocket.

Markus doesn’t let on, but he is growing very fond of the kitten, even having such things to say when I get home from work as, “Oh they (the cat and dog) were so cute lying together, but I didn’t want to disturb them and take a picture.” Ahhhh . . . .

As I had brought the kitten on as a working pet, I wanted a name that would describe her anticipated profession. We finally settled on Titina. This is Samoan for “Killer/ Strangler”. T’s are sometimes pronounced with a k sound, as in this case. Titina’s name is pronounced Kikina, kiki for short.

She’s yet to make her first kill, though I have high hopes as she often goes after rocks with a ferociousness to be reckoned with. She’s ravenous, demanding to be fed every two hours, I figure if we can eventually build up a resistance to her persistent kitten meowing and keep her from the Deli Cat, she’ll have to earn her keep. Interestingly, even before Titina I never came across one roach, mouse, rat or other critter at the house, but don’t tell Markus. ****UPDATE****Since I've written Titina seems to have fulfilled her destiny and has taken down her first giant cockroach. Now all I have to do is teach her how to dispose of it afterwards . . .

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